APDCL Exam 2018-19 Result Update for Office-cum-Field Assistant Fresh


APDCL Exam 2018-19 Result Update for Office-cum-Field Assistant Fresh

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APDCL Office-cum-Field Assistant Result

✒ Guide Book (প্ৰয়োজনীয় কিতাপ) =

5000 বিভিন্ন সাধাৰণ জ্ঞান (Part-1)অসমীয়া মাধ্যমত - Buy Now

5250 বিভিন্ন সাধাৰণ জ্ঞান (Part-2) অসমীয়া মাধ্যমত - Buy Now

2,000 অসম বুৰঞ্জী তথা Assam GK (English) - Buy Now 

2,000 অসমীয়াত (Assam GK) অসম সাধাৰণ জ্ঞান - Buy Now

25,000 প্ৰশ্নউত্তৰ Complete Assam Exam Guide - Buy Now

Experienced result =

Notice (Dated 10.02.2020): Provisional List of Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Office cum Field Assistant (Experienced) in APDCL/AEGCL/APGCL (Click Here)

Notice (Dated 10.02.2020): Provisional List of Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Sahayak (Experienced) in APDCL/AEGCL/APGCL (Click Here)

Notice (Dated 10.02.2020): Provisional Merit List of All Candidates who appeared in the OMR based Examination for the post of Office cum Field Assistant (Experienced) in APDCL/AEGCL/APGCL (Click Here)


Assam Police AB/UB Exam Guide Book 
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Applications are welcomed from up-and-comers having essential capabilities for arrangement in APDCL, AEGCL and APGCL in the accompanying classes of posts as appeared beneath through EMPLOYMENT NOTICE NO.: MD/APDCL/HR/REC (2017-18)/2017/85/119. 

Download Admit Card Again -

Office cum Field Assistant

Light Vehicle Driver



✒ (1) Post Name - (পদৰ নাম) = Office cum Field Assistant 

✿ Total Number of Posts - (মুঠ পদ) =1000 [APDCL: 968, APGCL: 11, AEGCL: 21]/[UR: 340, OBC/MOBC: 272, STP: 146, SC: 107, STH: 91, PWD: 44] 

✿ Educational Qualification - (শিক্ষাগত অৰ্হতা) = Minimal HSSLC or proportionate assessment perceived by Govt. 

PC Proficiency: A competitor must have capability in PC application and having recognition declaration in PC application with least span of 3 (a quarter of a year. 

✿ Age Limit - (বয়সৰ সময়সীমা) =

a. 18 to 44 years as on 01.01.2018. 

b. If there should arise an occurrence of OBC/MOBC applicants, upper age limit is loose upto 47 years. 

c. If there should arise an occurrence of SC/ST applicants, upper age limit is loose upto 49 years. 

d. In the event of departmental competitors, upper age limit is loose upto 45 years. 

✿ Salary - (দৰমহা) = 16,800 – 60,500/ - , GP: 5,800/ 

অসম Competitive Exam PDF কিতাপখন আগতে কিনি লওঁক, অফাৰ থাকোতেই । মাথো 150 টকাত 

10000 প্ৰশ্ন-উত্তৰ (Assam GK) পাব - ইয়াত ক্লিক কৰক Buy NOW

Result (Merit List and Cut Off) - Click Here (Available Soon) 


✒ (2) Post Name - (পদৰ নাম) = Light Vehicle Driver 

✿ Total Number of Posts - (মুঠ পদ) = 25 [APDCL: 25]/[UR: 12, OBC/MOBC: 7, STP: 3, SC: 2, STH: 1] 

✿ Educational Qualification - (শিক্ষাগত অৰ্হতা) = HSLC or comparable assessment perceived by Govt., must have at any rate 2 (two) years proficient driving permit and should be capable in rush hour gridlock rules and driving LMV/HMV. 

✿ Age Limit - (বয়সৰ সময়সীমা) =

a. 18 to 44 years as on 01.01.2018. 

b. In the event of OBC/MOBC applicants, upper age limit is loose upto 47 years. 

c. If there should be an occurrence of SC/ST up-and-comers, upper age limit is loose upto 49 years. 

d. In the event of departmental competitors, upper age limit is loose upto 45 years. 

✿ Salary - (দৰমহা) = 12,400 – 47,400/ - , GP: 5,500/ 

অসম Competitive Exam PDF কিতাপখন আগতে কিনি লওঁক, অফাৰ থাকোতেই । মাথো 150 টকাত 

10000 প্ৰশ্ন-উত্তৰ (Assam GK) পাব -  ইয়াত ক্লিক কৰক Buy NOW

Result (Merit List and Cut Off) - Click Here (Available Soon) 


✒ (3) Post Name - (পদৰ নাম) = Sahayak 

✿ Total Number of Posts - (মুঠ পদ) = 872 [APDCL: 620, APGCL: 52, AEGCL: 200]/[UR: 231, OBC/MOBC: 234, STP: 180, SC: 120, STH: 107] 

✿ Educational Qualification - (শিক্ষাগত অৰ্হতা) =

a. For APDCL: HSLC or identical with ITI in the exchange of Wireman/Electrician from Govt. of Assam endorsed Institute. 

b. For AEGCL: HSLC or identical with ITI in the exchange of Electrician/Fitter from Govt. of Assam endorsed Institute. 

c. For APGCL: HSLC or identical with ITI in the exchange of Wireman/Electrician/Fitter/Welder/Machinist, from Govt. of Assam endorsed Institute. 

✿ Age Limit - (বয়সৰ সময়সীমা) =

a. 18 to 44 years as on 01.01.2018. 

b. If there should arise an occurrence of OBC/MOBC applicants, upper age limit is loose upto 47 years. 

c. If there should arise an occurrence of SC/ST up-and-comers, upper age limit is loose upto 49 years. 

d. If there should be an occurrence of departmental competitors, upper age limit is loose upto 45 years. 

✿ Salary - (দৰমহা) =12,400 – 47,400/ - , GP: 4,500/ 

অসম Competitive Exam PDF কিতাপখন আগতে কিনি লওঁক, অফাৰ থাকোতেই । মাথো 150 টকাত 

10000 প্ৰশ্ন-উত্তৰ (Assam GK) পাব - ইয়াত ক্লিক কৰক Buy NOW

Result (Merit List and Cut Off) - Click Here (Available Soon) 


Case Number - 4313/2019 

Check Here High Court Case - Click Here

Quiz Links -

25,000 প্ৰশ্নউত্তৰ Complete Assam Exam Guide - Buy Now

APDCL Fresh Candidate Result - Click here (Available Soon)

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