NABARD Consultancy Services (NABCONS).
Last Date: 10/07/2021.
NABARD Consultancy Services (NABCONS) has released an employment notification for the recruitment of 86 Consultant and Enumerator vacancy for handling ‘Tribal Development Projects’ under Farm Sector Development Department of NABARD in various states across India. Intending and eligible candidates may apply online here .
✒ Post Name - (পদৰ নাম) = Senior Level Consultant
No of posts: 2
✿ Educational Qualification - (শিক্ষাগত অৰ্হতা) = Graduate/Post–graduate in Agriculture and allied subjects i.e. Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Agricultural Engineering, Dairy Technology, Veterinary and Animal Science only.
✿ Experience - (অভি়জ্ঞতা) = 2–4 years’ experience in Natural Resource Management/ Financing/ Value chain management/ Agri. Marketing based projects/ studies
✿ Age Limit - (বয়সৰ সময়সীমা) = Minimum 24 years and Maximum 65 years
Pay: Rs.51,000 –60,000/–PM
✒ Post Name - (পদৰ নাম) = Middle Level Consultant
No of posts: 21
Location wise vacancy:
❦Andhra Pradesh: 1
❦Assam: 1
❦Bihar: 1
❦Chhattisgarh: 1
❦Gujarat: 1
❦Himachal Pradesh: 1
❦Jharkhand: 1
❦Karnataka: 1
❦Kerala: 1
❦Madhya Pradesh: 1
❦Maharashtra: 1
❦Manipur: 1
❦Meghalaya: 1
❦Mizoram: 1
❦Nagaland: 1
❦Odisha: 1
❦Rajasthan: 1
❦Tamil Nadu: 1
❦Telangana: 1
❦Uttar Pradesh: 1
❦West Bengal: 1
✿ Educational Qualification - (শিক্ষাগত অৰ্হতা) = Graduate/Post–graduate in Agriculture and allied subjects i.e. Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Agricultural Engineering, Dairy Technology, Veterinary and Animal Science only.
✿ Experience - (অভি়জ্ঞতা) = 1–4 years’ experience in Natural Resource Management/ Financing/ Value chain management/ Agri. Marketing based projects/studies.
✿ Age Limit - (বয়সৰ সময়সীমা) = Minimum 24 years and Maximum 65 years
Pay: Rs.41,000 –50,000/–PM
✒ Post Name - (পদৰ নাম) = Enumerator
No of posts: 63
Location wise vacancy:
❦Andhra Pradesh: 2
❦Arunachal Pradesh: 1
❦Assam: 3
❦Bihar: 4
❦Chhattisgarh: 3
❦Gujarat: 4
❦Himachal Pradesh: 2
❦Jharkhand: 5
❦Karnataka: 2
❦Kerala: 2
❦Madhya Pradesh: 3
❦Maharashtra: 4
❦Manipur: 1
❦Meghalaya: 1
❦Mizoram: 1
❦Nagaland: 1
❦Odisha: 4
❦Rajasthan: 4
❦Sikkim: 1
❦Tamil Nadu: 3
❦Telangana: 2
❦Uttar Pradesh: 4
❦Uttarakhand: 1
❦ West Bengal: 5
✿ Educational Qualification - (শিক্ষাগত অৰ্হতা) = Graduate from any Recognized University .
✿ Experience - (অভি়জ্ঞতা) = 1–2 years’ experience in Natural Resource Management/ Financing/ Value chain management/ Agri. Marketing based projects/ studies.
✿ Age Limit - (বয়সৰ সময়সীমা) = Minimum 24 years and Maximum 45 years
Pay: Rs. 20,000 –25,000/–PM
✒ How To Apply (কিদৰে আবেদন কৰিব) =
Interested candidates may apply online in the prescribed format within 15 days from 26 June 2021 to 10 July 2021 by clicking on the following links and filling the details therein:
✒ Guide Book (প্ৰয়োজনীয় কিতাপ) =
5000 বিভিন্ন সাধাৰণ জ্ঞান (Part-1)অসমীয়া মাধ্যমত - Buy Now
5250 বিভিন্ন সাধাৰণ জ্ঞান (Part-2) অসমীয়া মাধ্যমত - Buy Now
2,000 অসম বুৰঞ্জী তথা Assam GK (English) - Buy Now
2,000 অসমীয়াত (Assam GK) অসম সাধাৰণ জ্ঞান - Buy Now
25,000 প্ৰশ্নউত্তৰ Complete Assam Exam Guide - Buy Now
❦Senior Level Consultant:
❦Middle Level Consultant:
✿ Official Notification (বিজ্ঞাপন) Download Link - Click Here